

A district is an administrative division of a state. The office of the collector is the chief representative of government in a District. The Collector has wide powers and manifold responsibilities. In many ways he is chief custodian of law and authority, the pivot on which runs the local administration. The Collector is assisted by Additional Collectors and Deputy Collectors. Works of office of Collector is divided into different sections. In each section one or two employees are posted who work under the supervision of office superintendent/assistant office superintendent.

List of Collectors and their tenure in the district

Under Chhattisgarh Government
S.No. Name From To
1 Dr. Jagdesh Sonkar 03/09/2022 02/05/2023
2 Shri Gopal Verma 03/05/2023 04/01/2024
3 Shri Chandrakant Verma 05/01/2024